The store

The store


Would you rather visit the store in Nieuwe-Tonge, Goeree-Overflakkee? That is possible by appointment. The shop will then be all yours for a while and then you will have all the time you need to feel, look at, smell and choose the skins and frames.

We are flexible in opening hours so early evenings and weekends are also among the possibilities.

Contact us via the Whatsappbuttom for an appointment.

Ordering B2B

Want to place a large order? From 500 euros or when spending € 500 you get 10% discount. And with an order of € 1000 even 15% discount.

VAT free ordering

Are you a European customer with a VAT number and want the VAT transferred? That is also possible!

Contact us via the Whatsappbuttom for an appointment.

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